How it all works

Accelerate your transformation using XeP3, our proven reengineering method and analytics toolset
  • Rapidly build a detailed time-quantified process view
  • Uncover how your organisational processes actually work
  • Discover the Noise in your operations and reveal the underlying causes
  • Quantify your efficiency opportunity
Map and unpack how work happens today
  • See your team’s focus of effort – what types of work is done to deliver the outcome
  • Expect a surprise – how little effort is devoted to key activities
  • See where each the process breaks down and the staff time it wastes
Analyse where your Noise (waste) is coming from
  • See the quantified Noise at every part of your process. Identify the causes (drivers)
  • Breakout the themes of Noise and quantify the disruption caused in your organisation and the end-to-end process
  • What is Noise?
    Knowing where the waste is doesn’t really help. What is needed is to be able to see the man routine glitches and pinpoint & quantify the wasted time each glitch causes. Wasted time is process noise.
XeP3 supports analysis by process or by role, enabling concurrent process reengineering and role redesign

XeP3 allows you to visualise the Noise across your processes and see where the issues are emerging

XeP3 supports the development of targeted solutions, and enables scenario modelling of different potential futures

Track and manage your implementation with confidence
  • Know what Noise you have to remove
  • Have alerts if things are going off track

XeP3 Noise benchmarking data

Introducing the XeP3 noise benchmarking tool, a game-changer in benchmarking Australian process noise data. By analysing data from similar organisations, the tool provides insights into the extent of process noise in various industries or functions. The tool delves into the root-causes of process noise, helping you explore the underlying factors that hinder efficiency and effectiveness. Armed with this comprehensive understanding, you can take the proactive early steps to eliminate noise, streamline processes, and drive meaningful improvements.

The XeP3 noise benchmark tool is a catalyst for self-assessment, continuous improvement and a vital asset for any organisation adapting through these turbulent times.

The analytics platform to drive productivity

  • Unpack how complex processes happen in your organisation and quantify the Noise in the process
  • Draw insights on the underlying drivers of Noise and target transformation efforts to reduce it
  • Scenario model your future to know what you will look like and how staged change will impact your operations

An advanced platform to improve business processes

Partner with your people to build the data

Unpack what work happens where right now

See the story of your Noise, and how big it is

Plan and track productivity gains and Noise removal

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For Business Leaders

Drive productivity improvements and create capacity across the organisation to enhance service delivery and reduce cost

Increase productivity
Lower operating costs
Engage your employees
Benchmark your business

For Consulting Professionals

Bring intelligence to transformation, using analytics to identify the change required and quantify the case for change

Gather detailed reporting
Increased time efficiences
Analyse by process & role
Model future scenarios

Is this the tool you’re missing?